EachforEqualWhile the stars are growing dim in the pre-dawn sky, the matriarch of Kuru dynasty — Satyavati — arrives on the battlefield of Kurukshetra…Mar 10, 2020Mar 10, 2020
Redefining our Protagonists!A story of Mahabharata depicts many empowered female characters. Most importantly it also depicts a male character who plays a role of a…Aug 26, 2019Aug 26, 2019
Redefining our Protagonists!Krishna is a nephew of Kunti, much younger to her. However, her relationship with Krishna is much more, above all the human relationships.Jul 29, 2019Jul 29, 2019
Redefining our Protagonists!We can say that Kunti’s motherhood is like a moon — lustrous and glorious because as a mother of Pandava. However, it also has a dark spot…Jul 8, 2019Jul 8, 2019
Redefining our Protagonists!A character of Kunti is a portrait of heroic motherhood on a canvas of Mahabharata story. Let’s analyze the hexagon of her motherhood.Jun 17, 2019Jun 17, 2019
Redefining our Protagonists!While we celebrate Mother’s day, let’s unfold a character of Kunti that is a portrait of heroic motherhood on a canvas of Mahabharata…May 18, 2019May 18, 2019
Redefining our Protagonists!Draupadi is a common wife of Pandava, the valiant heroes of Kurukshetra war. Draupadi is a dutiful wife but certainly not a submissive…Apr 29, 2019Apr 29, 2019
Published inShruti Hajirnis GupteRedefining our Protagonists!A truly heart touching story — Not without my sister Draupadi!Apr 10, 20191Apr 10, 20191
Published inShruti Hajirnis GupteRedefining our Protagonists!Draupadi — An uninvited girl who rose to become a symbol of the power and dignity of her mighty maidenMar 27, 2019Mar 27, 2019